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[2017 KSoP 국제 포럼] KSoP joins CFRE International as a Participating Organization

최종 수정일: 2023년 8월 7일

KSoP(Korea Society of Philanthropy) joins CFRE International as a Participating Organization


CFRE International is pleased to welcome the Korea Society of Philanthropy (KSoP) as a new Participating Organization. The two organizations signed a memorandum of understanding at the Korea Society of Philanthropy Forum in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on 5 December 2017.

As a Participating Organization, the Korea Society of Philanthropy is one of 23 fundraising associations and nonprofit organizations worldwide which make a commitment to promoting best practices in ethical fundraising through their support and endorsement of the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification.

“There is clearly a passion for growing philanthropy and ethical fundraising in the Republic of Korea,” says Eva E. Aldrich, President and CEO of CFRE International. “CFRE International is excited about this opportunity to work with the Korea Society of Philanthropy as it expands and strengthens fundraising, philanthropy, and the public trust in the charitable sector.” You can find more information about the Korea Society of Philanthropy at


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